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4smarts SkyTag, works with Apple Find My, 1 pcs, white

Förstasidan Ljud & Bild Hem/Fritid Hobby & Fritid 4smarts SkyTag, works with Apple Find My, 1 pcs, white
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4smarts SkyTag, works with Apple Find My, 1 pcs, white (458860)

4smarts SkyTag, works with Apple Find My, 1 pcs, white

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* 4smarts SkyTags are the affordable alternative to Apple's AirTags and the smart way to keep track of your stuff. Use the SkyTag as a key finder or put it in your backpack and find your valuables quickly and easily! * Easy to use: Connect the 4smarts SkyTag via Bluetooth to an iPhone, iPad or Mac, give it a name and then attach it to any object, like your keychain or put it in your wallet. Now your SkyTag can be located in the "Find My" app of your Apple device. Its position will be displayed on a map. With an official certification, the SkyTag is one of the first alternatives to the more expensive original, which also works with the app you already have. Thanks to the recognition of the original manufacturer, the cheaper 4smarts SkyTag can also be used with the official Apple app. This saves you the installation of foreign apps and thus a long installation path. * High quality: In order to offer you the best possible user experience with this innovative alternative to the Apple AirTag, SkyTag stands above all for professional product processing and high-quality materials. You can look forward to a waterproof gadget that has been designed to be sturdy and user-friendly. Due to the good workmanship, the SmartTag is also insensitive to dust and dirt. The tracking gadget comes with a modern keyring, so you can quickly and easily attach it to your backpack or keychain.

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