ACRONIS Backup for Win Svr 11.5 Renewal AAP ESD
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ACRONIS Backup for Win Svr 11.5 Renewal AAP ESD
When your Windows server goes down, avoid expensive downtime and get back up and running in minutes.
Recovering a server can take significant time and expertise, leaving your business vulnerable. Protect your entire Windows server environment with Acronis Backup, your one-stop solution for comprehensive backups and fast, flexible recovery.
- Patented, block-level disk imaging captures your entire Windows server in one easy step.
- Bare-metal recovery ensures that you are back up and running in minutes, not hours.
- Recover individual files, application data, or a complete system with a few simple clicks.
- Save on time and storage with incremental backups, compression, and deduplication.
Not an IT expert? Acronis Backup for Windows Server was designed to make backup and recovery exceptionally easy:
- Installation and configuration procedures require almost zero learning curve.
- Smart backups remove the guesswork by capturing everything required for complete recovery.
- Restore a server to new, different hardware without worrying about incompatibilities.
- Migrate physical systems to virtual servers without the usual complexities.
Antal licenser | 1 |
Programvara - typ | Förnyande |
Licenstiden | 1 År |
Programvaruversion | 11.5 |
Plattform | PC |
64-bitars bearbetning | Ja |
Språkversion | Flerspråkig |
Windows-operativsystem som stöds | Ja |
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